/* * Module code. * * Generated by SIP 4.7.1 (4.7.1) on Tue Dec 4 15:26:16 2007 */ #include "sipAPIword.h" /* Define the strings used by this module. */ char sipNm_word_reverse[] = "reverse"; char sipNm_word_set[] = "set"; char sipNm_word_str[] = "str"; char sipNm_word_Word[] = "Word"; /* * This defines each class in this module. The values are replaced by the * proper Python types during the export process. */ static sipWrapperType *typesTable[] = { (sipWrapperType *)(void *)&sipType_word_Word, }; /* This defines this module. */ sipExportedModuleDef sipModuleAPI_word = { NULL, SIP_API_MINOR_NR, "word", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, typesTable, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /* The SIP API and the APIs of any imported modules. */ const sipAPIDef *sipAPI_word; /* The Python module initialisation function. */ #if defined(SIP_STATIC_MODULE) extern "C" void initword() #else PyMODINIT_FUNC initword() #endif { static PyMethodDef sip_methods[] = { {0, 0, 0, 0} }; PyObject *sipModule, *sipModuleDict; PyObject *sip_sipmod, *sip_capiobj; /* Initialise the module and get it's dictionary. */ sipModule = Py_InitModule((char *)sipModuleAPI_word.em_name,sip_methods); sipModuleDict = PyModule_GetDict(sipModule); /* Import the SIP module and get it's API. */ #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02050000 sip_sipmod = PyImport_ImportModule("sip"); #else sip_sipmod = PyImport_ImportModule((char *)"sip"); #endif if (sip_sipmod == NULL) return; sip_capiobj = PyDict_GetItemString(PyModule_GetDict(sip_sipmod), "_C_API"); if (sip_capiobj == NULL || !PyCObject_Check(sip_capiobj)) return; sipAPI_word = reinterpret_cast(PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(sip_capiobj)); /* Export the module and publish it's API. */ if (sipAPI_word->api_export_module(&sipModuleAPI_word,SIP_API_MAJOR_NR,SIP_API_MINOR_NR,sipModuleDict) < 0) return; }